Sunday, January 9, 2011

some o' dem numberz that are blowin mah mind.

So... In four days, I will be...*gulp*... and "adult".

I will be Eighteen.
Yeah.  I know.  In four days I will be legally able to do all those stereotypical things people do when they turn eighteen- buy cigarettes, lottery tickets, go clubbing, etc etc etc.  In the eyes of the law I will be an "adult".
I don't feel like I should be eighteen.  Not really.  Good gracious, I just started feeling like a real 17 year old a couple weeks ago.  What happened???  When did I get old?

A few more o' dem numberz:
Eighteen days until I leave Ireland.  EIGHTEEN.  That's only two more weekends.  Only two more youth group meetings.  Three more phone calls home.  (Possibly two.)  This is seriously blowing my mind.  I don't think I've really grasped it.  At all.

So.... yeah.  I've nothing else really to say about that at the moment.  But... wow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of in the same place of, "HOLY CRUD I'M GOING TO BE A LEGAL ADULT SOON."

    February 11th.
    I've hardly even grasped the fact that I'm old enough to drive...much less go clubbing.

    Okay? Okay.
