Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Swim, Swam, Swum, Swank... wait...

So, I went surfing on Sunday.
It was kind of baller.
Seriously, though, it was so much fun.  It was such a good feeling to be back in an actual ocean again, as I realized that I have not swum (swimmed? swam? ugh stupid english grammar) in a real ocean in over a year.  Crazy, right?
Anyways, the actual surfing was great, and the instructor was really nice and helpful.  I stood up several times, fell off many more times, swallowed a gallon or two of salt water, learned how to peel off a wetsuit, and nearly killed Josipa when I almost ran into her because I didn't know how to steer and wasn't lucid enough to simply hop off the board.  All in all, it was fantastic, and I have signed up to go to the sessions every weekend.  That means you can expect updates on my surfing adventures as time goes by- hopefully I'll improve!

Reading over my last post, I was really surprised by how negative it sounded.  I just want to say right now, I'm sorry for writing it like that.  That post makes my experience so far sound like it's been really rough and hard and like I've wanted to go home every day.  For the record: It's been the complete opposite.  I honestly have loved my time here so far, and I'm really glad that I'm not going home until January.  The only time I have felt really homesick was actually that day when I wrote the post.  (*Note to Self: Never write a post while feeling homesick. It makes everything sound unnecessarily depressing.*) So again, I'm sorry that I made it sound that way- and while I'm not going to try and gloss over the rough parts of being "the American", up to this point my time in Ireland has really been remarkable. 

Killarney trip this weekend!  I'm so excited.  Thursday and Friday are not going to pass by quickly enough.

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