Tuesday, November 30, 2010


*This post was supposed to be published on Saturday... oops.  

This year marks my first Thanksgiving away from home.
Yes, for me this is quite a big deal.

I don't know what it is about Thanksgiving that makes it seem so important to me.  I guess it might because I associate it with turkey and stuffing and pies and hot drinks and all kinds of good food, not to mention some of the best family time of the year.  On both sides, we all get together- cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and all- to spend time together and eat three times our body weight and lounge around watching the parades on television because we're too stuffed to move.  Thanksgiving is the kickoff to the Christmas season (in my family, we traditionally get our tree the weekend after almost every year).  Oh, and the leftovers are pretty darn good too.
Basically, I love Thanksgiving.  It is a fantastic holiday, and one of my favorite times of the year.  So being away from home is kind of a weird feeling, especially since here it's just a normal week as usual.  But I'm going to celebrate in whatever way I can- and since I've never actually seriously made on before, I'm going to give one of these "Things I'm Thankful For" lists a go.

1. The snow outside.  I woke up this morning to my host sister running in saying, "Look!  It's snowing!" and throwing open the window.  Big, fat flakes were swirling down and there was probably a good three inches on the ground already.  About five inches fell in total today- a beautiful kick off to the Christmas season!  (For those of you who are wondering, it snows in Ireland about as often as it does in Charlotte, NC.  Maybe even less.  So it was a pretty big shock to everyone.  And a great adventure.)

2. My family.  I was doing great on the homesickness end, until Thursday.  (Give me until Monday, and it will pass.)  I got6 to talk to my brother, brother-in-law, both sisters, and my parents on the phone all at the same time on Thursday evening, and I loved it.  I think this exchange has made me realise not just how much I love my family, but how close-knit we really are and how much we do together.  "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is certainly true... and while I love my time here and I'm going to enjoy every second left of it, there's also a bit of me that can't wait until the Saturday night I get back and get to sit around the old wooden dinner table with the creaky benches and watch my mom run around setting out dinner, and laugh at my dad teasing her and making absurd jokes, and listen to my little sister getting so excited she talks too fast for anyone to understand.

3. My extended family.  This does deserve a point all to itself.  Let's just say I'm so thankful to have been blessed with a big group of great cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents, all of whom I miss so incredibly much.  I remember several Saturday evenings where I have happily told my friends no, I have a family thing tonight, I can't go out- because I know that each and every time we get together, we're going to have fun.  No, we're not the perfect picture of a family, we're a bit eccentric and a bit loud and we get on each other's nerves a lot; but we've got a bunch of good cooks and bad inside jokes and plenty of love to go around.  (Cheesy?  Yes.  The truth?  Also yes.)

4. Hot tea on cold winter days.  Also, sweet iced tea on hot summer days.  Apart from water, tea is the best thirst quencher on earth.  Enough said.

5. I can't believe I'm saying it... but I'm thankful for social networking.  It's kept me in touch with a lot of people while I'm here, and has made that bit a lot easier.  So as much as I do hate it, I'm thankful for it.  Farmville can still go die in a hole, though.

6. Creation.  This one sounds weird, I know.  But I love being outside, I love seeing the beauty of this incredible earth that our God has made.  There are so many different directions I could go with this, too- I love the sea because of its unpredictable nature and the immense power it holds, I love the mountains and the way they make me feel so small and yet remind me of my significance, I love big fat trees that you can climb all day and don't even bend under your weight.  I love freshly cut fields and I love quiet old woods.  I never feel the Lord's presence quite like I do when I'm outdoors in the middle of the creation.  I just love it so much. 

7. Good books.  I think there's a saying about books being like best friends.  That's the best description of what they have been in my life.  I grew up with the idea that books top movies, and believe me, that is completely true.  Sometimes I think books are often just an outlet for people who imagine up all these "what if" questions that would be laughed at if spoken aloud- so they put them in books instead, and all of a sudden they become something worthwhile.  Basically, books are awesome.  (Need recommendations? The Hunger Games trilogy is excellent.  Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors as well- I particularly like A Lineage of Grace and the Mark of the Lion trilogy.  Those are some of my favorites, anyways.)

8. Getting to come to Ireland. For so many reasons.  This has been one of the most incredible adventures of my life, and while it's not fun 100% of the time and there's a lot of normal life in between the crazy moments and hilarious memories, I'm learning that normal doesn't have to mean boring.  I'm so thankful to everyone who helped to get me here- especially my parents.  They worked hard to help me get to where I am, and I don't think I thank them enough for that.

9. Long, warm socks.  You can probably figury out why.

A lot more, too.... But that's a long enough list for now, I think.  :)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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