Sunday, November 7, 2010


It was a pretty good week last week, considering it was the first back to school after midterm.  A little rough in the beginning, but overall quite good.

So, I've officially figured out what I'm doing in the near future... sort of. 
I know I'm going on the Jamaica trip this summer with PBC, and maybe the YouthCue trip again.  That would be quite exciting if I could do both!!
I'm gonna be working all next semester and summer, earning and saving as much as possible.  Next year, I will either take a year off and work or go straight into college (that's where it's still a little hazy).  Also, I've decided upon what I want to major in:  History. 
Yay decisions!

And here begins another week. 
I apologise for the incredible pointlessness of this post.

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