Monday, August 23, 2010

Sisters, Goodbyes, the Oregon Trail, and Cookie Dough (among other things)

First order of business:
My youngest sister is starting high school on Wednesday.
I can't believe it.  She's only in sixth grade with pigtails and braces and blaring Taylor Swift CDs from an old boom box!...  At least, she is in my head.
And now she's supposed to go to high school!  She's going to step onto the campus on Wednesday with a purpose other than a football game or band concert!  Boys are going to chase after her!  Girls are going to be petty and mean to her!  Teachers are going to dump more projects than should be allowed on her!  This is madness!

Yeah, I know she'll be all right.  Better than all right, actually.  She's so much cooler and better prepared than I ever was or could have been.  She's got several good friends (and a couple not-as-good ones, but hey, who doesn't have those), a lot of common sense, motivation, and an amazingly strong trust in the Lord.  High school might be mean to her, but she'll respond to it with the sweetness and grace and love that has attracted people to her since she was little.  I know that she's going to shine (to use a typical high school cliche) at Myers Park and come out on top.  But she's my little sister; I'm just praying her wonderful innocence doesn't go away, at least not completely.
Suzanne, if you're reading this, which you very well might be... I love you. I always have and always will, and there is nothing you could do to change that.  If you ever need anything, let me know.  You're so amazing and I wish I could be a little more like you.  If I could give you any advice for high school that you might actually remember, it would be this:  Listen to the little voice in your head, never lose sight of the faithfulness of God, try not to judge, take a break once in awhile, and don't ever stop in the middle of a hallway during a class change.  I love you to the moon and back, mah seestur.

Second order of business:
They suck. 
Just saying.

Third order of business:
One of my best friends since middle school came over tonight for a few hours.  We hung out in my room as we finished our other friend's (extremely belated) birthday present, ate cookie dough, and I played Oregon Trail on her iPhone.
You see, I was one of those few deprived American children who had always heard about, but never actually played, The Oregon Trail game.  The sad thing is, I would have loved it.  I'm a sucker for those strategy-survival games, especially anything based in frontier America in the 1800s (what can I say, I'm a Little House book reader through and through).  I discovered two useful life skills as I played that game: (1) I am actually pretty good at pounding nails, and (2) I can survive a bear assault for LONGER than 30 seconds, while making kung fu noises.  Shazam.  Beat that.

And lastly:
Two days until I leave.  TWO DAYS!  
I have so much to do, and so little time...*

Another post coming soon, probably about my wonderful pre-senior year reflections.  Be prepared.
*...(Does anyone else ever think of that scene in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie whenever that is said?  I do)...

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